Sunday, May 16, 2010

A discussion platform on Karadiya Rajputs

Dear Brothers,

Here we have put up a blog one more platform to discuss and plan our growth story. every bandhu are cordially invited to donate few of your words to our society.

I have mentioned below some of our Bandhu's views.

Comments on the efforts done by Vikramsinh & Ajitsinh on Training for GPSC & Polic Bharti's at our Karadiya Rajput Boarding at Surendranagar.

" Really amazing result done by our brothers Under guide line of Vikramsinh and Ajitsinh ,We are proud of that two caption of our community.In the history of kardiya rajput first time we achieve .This type of success. we are congratulate to all candidate Who are success in the,And the all credit of this success is due to that two caption They are make example for our community. Every thing is possible
Nothing impossible for the Rajput."
- Dharmendrasinh Rathod (Padana - Dhadhuka )


" There were total 356 candidates for Lokrakshak registered at Karadiya Rajput Carrere Academy Surendranagar, out of them stagerring 350 candidates cleared the exam. A great effort made by Vikramsinh Parmar(panshina) and Ajitsinh Kher (Digsar) and other members paid off. Really hats off to them...."
- Divyarajsinh Mori (Wadhvan City)

" Very good effort by our Surendranagar Karadiya Rajput Boarding.I really happy."
- Darshrathsinh Parmar - Chuda ( Surendranagar)


  1. Jaymataji all our Bandhu who are connected with this forum.

    First of all we are congratulate to each other ….

    Kirpalsinh Thanks for Give One Another big Platform for Discussion with our Bandhu…

    “Brother aap ni Bandhu Bhavna mate mari pase shabd nathi “

    The community of leadership has existed since the beginning of time. It is filled with wisdom, integrity, adventure and challenge. One of the ingredients that has held strong in the truth of leadership is that great leaders possess a naturally caring heart.......

    Jay Mataji

  2. Jaybhavani kirpalsinh,
    your msg on psi exam
    and problem in the english languge i read that msg.. Aap ni vat sachi 6e Brother ena
    mate kaik praytna kariye to result saru male...
    pan pela to maru english sudharva mate help karjo Bapu...

  3. Jaybhavani. Brothers,

    Kirpalsinh bhai I share some experience with you….

    In the 12th com& arts result many our students are do good performance…

    And more than 15 students are in our kadi campus in the different courses
    Like BBA/BCA/BOM .. And some other courses….

    Ilaben Natwarsinh Dodiya From khas she is got 83.57 % in the 12th com and I think
    In the march-2010 exam she is First in our three Block-District. In our samaj…

    Dhandhuka/Barvala/Ranpur And join BBA From kadi campus Gandhinagar….

  4. Jai Mataji to all...

    We r getting good results now - a - days...

    We should try more n more for our students. We should create good enviornment n we've to also provide perfect trainers from our caste.

  5. Yes Great Bandhu,

    That at least we have now moved on the progress Track,and I have confident that once our community will catch this track properly, will leave no horizons where "Karadiya's" can not touch.

    Wishing you all the Best.
    Kirpalsinh Vala

  6. Hello All,

    It gives me a pleasure to see young fellows of my community discussing about how to stand strong to achieve success as a community in this world of brawny antagonism. I really appreciate this initiative of coming up with such a platform for young enthusiastic students preparing for various competitive examinations. Those, who reply to and give direction to the juniors, are also doing the commendable job.

    Coming to a point, I am not sure how many members have visited this blog and how many will do so in coming days! Though I would be happy to see the number growing as we are going to experience a new era of students preparing for government examinations in a coming year or two, it’s of utmost importance that we try to get ourselves together and try to help the aspirants in all required aspects.

    I am the owner of one of such classes in Gandhinagar. The name of the classes is ‘Bhavani Academy’. We have just started this initiative few days back in Gandhinagar. We are providing the latest and advanced guidance and well-prepared material to our students. We have not started this with any monetary objective, therefore we are providing guidance and conducting regular lectures four days a week without any fees, completely FREE!

    Anyone who is willing to make a career and is serious about appearing in government exams like Gaun Seva, G.P.S.C., Talati, Head clerk etc., for any kind of guidance or assistance, feel free to contact me anytime. My name and contact details are given below.

    All the Best and Jay Mataji !
    Warm Regards,
    Gajendrasinh M. Parmar
    M:- 8866142869

  7. hello jay mataji,,,rajputana daayra ne,,,,

  8. Jay mataji.
    Good job. We should have good unity in our community. Well done.
    Jitendra Jadav

  9. Jay Bhavani

    really great effort by Vikramsinh,Ajitsinh and other our rajput warriors//

    we will rock the world..

    Best Of Luck in advance for the candidate of PSI & Police

    Sunnyraj Gohil,

  10. Good Evening Brothers....

    Nice guidance being given by Gajendrasinh @ Gandhinagar, requesting all Brothers to take benifit of the same who are residing near by Ahmedabad.


  11. good evening brother

    I am studying in B.Sc and I Preparing gpsc exam for mamlatdar so who has information about material and our academy please inform me

  12. Karadia brothers jay mataji,
    I want to ask you How can you differ your self from other rajput cast?

  13. I proudly say I am Karadiya. I feel proud of person who started to help our communities. Kindly follow

  14. Bhayo academi na addmision ane contact ni informafion apjo ne.

  15. hello all,

    Can anybody guide me with the address of community hall of our samaj in ahmedabad which can be used for matrimonial purpose....

    It would b a great favour..

