Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Poetry by Tirthrajsinh Zala

१०० में से ९९ बेईमान कब तक गाते रहोगे?
उन ९९ में अपनी गिनती कब तक करते रहोगे?
अपने आपे से तुम कब तक युही भागते रहोगे?
तुम भी दुनिय सकते हो यह तुम कब जानोंगे?

दुश्मन आकर हाथ खिंच रहा है,
कल उठकर वोह सर पे बैठेगा,
उठो साथियों अब तो तुम आओ आगे,
अगर आज नहीं उठे तो फिर हमेशा सोते रह जाओगे.

कब तक कीचड़ को कोश्ते रहोगे?
कीचड़ में खिला कमल कब उठाओगे?
अगर युही मर मर क जीते रहोगे,
तो फिर जीने मरने का फर्क क्या तुम मुझे समझाओगे?

जय हिंद.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Akhil Gujarat Karadiya Rajput Samaj Maha Sammelan

A discussion platform on Karadiya Rajputs

Dear Brothers,

Here we have put up a blog one more platform to discuss and plan our growth story. every bandhu are cordially invited to donate few of your words to our society.

I have mentioned below some of our Bandhu's views.

Comments on the efforts done by Vikramsinh & Ajitsinh on Training for GPSC & Polic Bharti's at our Karadiya Rajput Boarding at Surendranagar.

" Really amazing result done by our brothers Under guide line of Vikramsinh and Ajitsinh ,We are proud of that two caption of our community.In the history of kardiya rajput first time we achieve .This type of success. we are congratulate to all candidate Who are success in the,And the all credit of this success is due to that two caption They are make example for our community. Every thing is possible
Nothing impossible for the Rajput."
- Dharmendrasinh Rathod (Padana - Dhadhuka )


" There were total 356 candidates for Lokrakshak registered at Karadiya Rajput Carrere Academy Surendranagar, out of them stagerring 350 candidates cleared the exam. A great effort made by Vikramsinh Parmar(panshina) and Ajitsinh Kher (Digsar) and other members paid off. Really hats off to them...."
- Divyarajsinh Mori (Wadhvan City)

" Very good effort by our Surendranagar Karadiya Rajput Boarding.I really happy."
- Darshrathsinh Parmar - Chuda ( Surendranagar)